Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Aktiviti Di Hari Minggu
So, today is Sunday...hubby is working...and our plan for today is NO PLAN hehehee. Normally, pepagi camni adalah aktiviti mencuci kain baju yg belum bercuci. Yesterday we had spent the whole day at my MIL's till night. Petang nyer plak my Mom datang with my sister visiting my SIL coz she just gave birth to this cute little boy Muhammad Amar Zafran bin Fazlie (oooppsss his name is my hubs' name as well). Because they have the same name, all my hub's colleague thought that hubby is gonna married another one hahahaa *gelak besar okay* :))))
Then, while waiting for the washing machine to complete its is time to bathe the kids. Tak leh biar diorg nih mandi sendiri sbb main air lebih dari mandi...and habis sumer lar kan
Baby of the Month :)
Today, had an appointment with Genius Aulad Setia Alam to test few school uniforms for Farisha. As expected she only fit with size L lar kan... my chubby baby :) YES, no more Smart Reader Kids for this time. After few surveys done, we had decided to send Adik to a new Kinder with Islamic base next year. It just opened its branch here in Setia Alam. In view of that, no comment can be given until She has attend the full school session. However, this Kinder received lots of good recommendation through forum session on the net (need to do some survey lar since am going to pay for high fees for it). Please feel free to go to their website should you need further details at
Done with that, we headed to TESCO Setia Alam for lunch plaks. Teringin makan Yee Mee hot plate. So here we are enjoying our lunch...LAPAR :)
Kids are enjoying their meals yummms
Chocolate Oreo with Latte Flavor and Red Tea Laichi
Cooollll drinks from Cool Blog...i loike !!!
a "must buy" items when visiting TESCO
Came back from TESCO, kids have requesting to watch a Malay movie title "LIBAS". Movie ni mengisahkan seorang Malaysian yang ingin menyelamatkan maruah Negara dalam Pertandingan Takraw. Cuba tanya budak2 millenium sekarang, diorang tahu tak what is Takraw :) Street soccer, Futsal, Skating, Roller boarding all that tahu lar kot. Kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut gi lar tengok sendiri weh... However it does not stop there, later we continued watching "Hantu Bonceng" plak...bosan punya pasal :)
LIBAS Trailer
Hantu Bonceng Trailer
Suddenly, the weather started to cloudy *tanda2 nak hujan nih*. Mmmmm baju plak tak sumer kering. So, mana yang dah kering cepat2 lipat *mahu hubs bising sbb dok rumah pon kejer2 rumah tak settle...*. To bear in mind that he is a fussy type aarrrr. Rumah takleh nak messy sket kang mula lar membebel. Yup, dia yang kuat bebel...saya tidak ekekekee
Baju2 yang sudah siap dilipat dan juga yang belum kering sepenuhnya :(
What for dinner tonite?? Kids and hubby are thinking of Domino's Pizza. Okay kot coz delivery jer and no need for us to go out. Watching Buletin Utama now and hoping that no more news of baby dumping...sedey :(
Anyway, our Pizzas are finaly here...dinner time :)
Now, only one thing left in today's list...need to do some ironing including school uniforms. For hubs shirts...kita hantar dobi jer lar yer...jgn marah hehee
Till then...
Our Stories
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Explore d features, the colours, the futuristic effects of #NissanXGear ! And win an iPad2!
Explore d features, the colours, the futuristic effects of #NissanXGear ! And win an iPad2!

Be a part of Nissan X-perience
This is an experience on a whole different level!
In conjunction with the launch of the new X-Gear, Nissan launched an app so cool that it integrates the futuristic aspects of Augmented Reality for your exciting adventure in the X-Gear. Pick up as many passengers as you can and drop them off at the NISSAN Showroom to redeem your points.
This app also comes with a Garage which gives you a 360-degree view of the vehicle. It allows you to change the colors of the cars, and explore its cool features.
Play AR game with the app and you will stand a chance to win an iPod Shuffle, or even an iPad 2! Now, how cool is that? All you have to do is to join the X-Gear race, keep playing and beat your fellow competitors by 15 Dec 2011.
Your favourite moment printed on silk pillows? It's up for grabs at RM55 a pair! #HeartBeat #MilkADeal
Your favourite moment printed on silk pillows? It's up for grabs at RM55 a pair! #HeartBeat #MilkADeal

Silk pillows with memories!
MAD Deal of the Day: RM55 instead of RM117
for Customized Couple Silk Cushions + Delivery within Peninsular Malaysia + 20% Discount on Other Products from, Klang.
It's never too late to start planning for Christmas gifts. Or New Year's. Or even Valentine's Day next year.
Get your favourite shot of you and your loved ones printed on silk pillows!
Churp Churp
Friday, October 28, 2011
It will be a scene to remember as u pilot this aircraft with #CaptAdrian whilst he narrates the nature beneath u. #MilkADeal
It will be a scene to remember as u pilot this aircraft with #CaptAdrian whilst he narrates the nature beneath u. #MilkADeal

MAD Deal of the Day: RM117 instead of RM180
for 1 Microlight Sky Tour by Captain Adrian.
You aren't cool till you've flown this aircraft - Microlight!
It will be a scene to remember as you pilot this aircraft with Captain Adrian whilst he narrates about the nature beneath you.
We triple dare you!
Churp Churp
Be a genie! Grant somebody that cash prize of RM 10K! #NescafeChilllah
Be a genie! Grant somebody that cash prize of RM 10K! #NescafeChilllah

Be a genie today, grant that wish to someone!
NESCAFÉ Chill-lah wants YOU to vote for their next can design! View the gallery of talented Malaysians and their groovy design submissions, all vying for the top spot to win that coveted RM 10,000 cash prize!
All it takes is a minute of your time and you might make someone's dreams come true! Who knows, maybe one of your friends have submitted their designs!
Grab a can, chill-lah in front of your laptop and vote for your favourite NESCAFÉ can design ;)
Churp Churp
Fine lines & crows feet on ur face, that were never there before? Make an appointment with #Beautilogy ! #MilkADeal
Fine lines & crows feet on ur face, that were never there before? Make an appointment with #Beautilogy ! #MilkADeal

Crow's feet tattooed on your face?
MAD Deal of the Day: RM28 instead of RM406
for Customized Intensive Eye Treatment + Relaxing Spa Facial Treatment + Relaxing Back Massage at Beautilogy Wellness World, Subang Jaya.
You know that moment, we've all been there. That one instant when you look into the mirror one morning and suddenly see fine lines and crows feet on your face, that were never there before.
Put a halt to it at a fantastic low price!
Churp Churp
Thursday, October 27, 2011
ADP3 Girls Night Out :)
From Right Top: Mas Aida, Me (Hiemash), Aida Yuhaini
From Left Top: Amilia Hadi, Nona Ismail, Wan Shahreen
Had another girls night out with my BFF on Tuesday 25/10/2011, at Nando's SOGO. Invitation for this small gathering has been sent out to the rest as well... however only six of us managed to come. owhhh...its okay maybe we can meet at another's meet up worries lar babe
So, this time around it was only six of us Me, Mas Aida, Amilia, Nona, Aida and Wan Shahreen. In fact some of us including me, we never seen Shahreen since PPP for 14 years LOL :) and because of that Shahreen was the most busiest person interviewing all of us on our life progress heheheee... and Shahreen, we feel so touched with your story and please be strong ya dear. Insya-Allah something good is waiting for you.
The "GIRL Freinds"...
The Food...The Interview session...and The Papparazi :)
The session was full with eating... chatting... eating... chatting... and laugh our heart out. Like a therapy session for all of us :P
We left and said good bye to each other at 8.30pm after had a great time together for about 2 hours plus...its not over yet actually coz the conversation continues via whatsapp all the way back... dahsyat betul lar kawan2 ku ini hahahaaa
Even though its quite far for me to travel back home that night (most of them reached home before 10.00pm and I am the only one reaching my lovelies at 11.0pm camtuh...jauh ekkk...mmmmm that is my normal-daily-routine-route-to -work for your info :)
For the next meet up session, the girls had planned it to be at Shahreen's place (p/s: Shahreen, masak best2 taw...kami datang nak serbu jer hehehe) Should try to get more to join...the more the merrier kan kan :)
Our Stories
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Ready Stock...!!!
Frogskins Jupiter Camo~8 Available
G Shock GA110
-Black Gold
-Black Purple
-Yellow Purple
-Green Full Color
G Shock GA120
-Black Red Purple
Monday, October 24, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Hot MoDeL GA110 & GA120..!!!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Farewell Party for En Agus Salim
Monday, 10th October 2011
Today has remarks the last day for our fellow colleague
Encik Agus Salim Bin Mat Isa
after 29 years of service as a Maybanker
...and as an appreciation from us at
we did organize a small Farewell Luncheon Party for him
today in our Network room.
En Agus Salim and our Section Head, Mr Dharminder Singh
from All of Us :)
Network, ATM SST Operations
We had our lunch Menu specially prepared by our colleague
Cik Hasimah Yun Hashim
Menu for the day:
Nasi Jagung, Udang Sweet Sour, Ayam goreng Berempah,
Dalca Sayur, Salad Telur, Bergedil, Kek, Jelly, Buah, Air Kordial
The plates are waiting heheee
Some of the Colleagues...
Thank You Very Much for your contributions
and full support :)
To Encik Agus Salim Bin Mat Isa
We Wish You All The Best !!!
Our Stories
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