Iftar with my ADP3 girls @Chillis, KLCC
on Wednesday, 24th August 2011
Even with short notice and a sudden plan, we still managed to get
9 of us to gather for iftar...at last..
thanks gals...love you alls...muaahhhssss
Some of us may not been seeing each others for as long as 10 years
or more LOL :)
or more LOL :)
and it was a great pleasure to have them around after all these years.
Some are even already have 4 kids hehehehee
Macam2 citer and everybody nak bercakap almost at the same time.
Iyer lar lama tak jumpa kan...masing2 tak sabar nak update stories
and we had a great laugh and great meals too
for a moment...all sadness are washed away
We should have more meeting up sessions after this ya
Macam2 citer and everybody nak bercakap almost at the same time.
Iyer lar lama tak jumpa kan...masing2 tak sabar nak update stories
and we had a great laugh and great meals too
for a moment...all sadness are washed away
We should have more meeting up sessions after this ya
Insya-Allah \*O*/
9 of US
Have a Great Day Ahead All !!!
Yes! Dah update. Aku suka the fact that eventhough semua sibuk dgn career, family dan life masing2 tapi masih bleh spare a few hours to meet up. Sesibuk mana kita pun, aku rasa we should stop for a while and appreciate friendship.
agreed..seronok rasa mcm baru semlm kita grad kan :)
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