Thursday, November 03, 2011


Tuesday, 01.11.11

The rain was exceptionally heavy when i was on my way back home from work. Reached home a little bit late due to the bad weather. Can even see few road accidents and one of it had involved 5 cars in a row!!! Scary though...

Picking up my kiddos at my Mom's and Faris is being covered with blanket from head to Son is obviously on fever...kesian sayang mama demam yer. Fed him nasi a bit then we off to our home sweet home. He's been begging me for not going to work the next day (instead of not going to school hehee..) So, here i am at home nursing the sick boy :) Luckily the HR2u system was okay last night so that i can submit my Annual Leave successfully. It means no Emergency Leave for me...triple yeayyy Alhamdulillah

Back to my sick Boy...once we were home, i gave him the medicine...put on the kool fever patch, check on the heat level and put him to bed immediately. Alhamdulillah, fever is now under control. I think it could be because of the rainy season now and even the weather is on and off. 

For me, when my kids are on fever, these are the most important things that i will have in our drawer;

The monitor the heat level

If the heat goes up >38 degree, go to your doctor immediately to avoid fit may cause death to few high fever cases

The Kool Fever patch to helps in reducing the heat,
and Medicine of course...

Alhamdulillah...he is now back in his active mode :)


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